Fitment and Details
- Advanced Glycol blends with the latest additives and an anti-vapor lock formula
- Safe for painted and most plastic surfaces
Brake fluid DOT 3 uses glycol ether as a solvent and a conventional brake fluid used in vehicles produced up until the 1990s. It is suitable for all brake systems and all driving conditions.
Brake fluid DOT 4 uses glycol ether and borate ester compounds which improve its performance compared to DOT 3. Cars produced after 2006 use it as a standard. Like its predecessor, it is suitable for all brake systems and driving conditions.
Brake fluid DOT 5.1 uses glycol ether and borate ester compounds but has an enhanced performance like the silicon-based DOT 5. We can say that it is a non-silicone version of DOT 5 but compatible with DOT 3 and DOT 4 types of braking systems and fluids.
All glycol-based brake fluids need to be handled carefully because they can damage the paintwork of the vehicle or motorcycle.
Brake fluid DOT 5 is a silicone-based fluid making it incompatible with anti-lock braking systems. Additionally, DOT 5 cannot be mixed with other brake fluid types and unlike other fluids, it does not damage the paintwork.
This fluid is engineered for demanding applications like military vehicles and extremely cold climates.